
How much do you know about the Cullen Crest? Many answers are finally arriving in this chapter. Go read
Summary: "There was a reason behind Edward's rebellious period – a reason that still holds true and brought him to Italy. His existence has been predicated on revenge for decades, to the point that forgiveness seems impossible. When Edward meets Bella, only a winter separates him from his last human prey and his own destruction." AU-Vampires.

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This chapter's suggestion is represented by Francesco Petrarca's poems

At this link you can read Petrarch's poems in English translation (the Italian original version is provided as well): http://petrarch.petersadlon.com/canzoniere.html.

She let her gold hair scatter in the breeze
that twined it in a thousand sweet knots,
and wavering light, beyond measure, would burn
in those beautiful eyes...

(Francesco Petrarca)

  • Next week I'm going to update A Good Liar. Would you give it a chance? Thank you!


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